This blog will be the 'master blog' of all the hobby projects I am currently working on. I keep my hobby momentum going by flitting
from one project to the next.This often means that projects take a long time to complete but there is always lots going on.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

The Burgomeister's Garrison

The Burgomeister's Garrison

After building the Burgomeister's Mansion I thought I should probably start collecting an Empire army. Here are a few examples of work so far.

Hakon's Handgunners
Hendrik Hakon was the Ferlangen Flintlocks regiment's sharpest shooter until he was dishonorably discharged for having a fling with the regiment commanders wife. He travelled back to his home town and joined the Burgomeister's garrison. He bought with him the professionalism, skills and customs of his previous regiment, hence the skulls and bones. His cartridge monkey is called Inky.

A witch hunter with retinue
from left to right; duellist, warrior priest, witch hunter, The gunslinger and the arbalist.

Rutgar the Aged 
This wizard has been a grey wizard for a very long time but has never managed to progress beyond the rank of novice, despite having a plethora of scrolls and books of spells. His 'familiar' has no magical ability, although Rutgar is convinced he has, and is just a plain old grey monkey named piffpaff. Despite this wizards ineptitude he makes for a handy dispel caddy for the other wizards. 

This model is a kitbash. Head, hood and book in hand from wizard kit. Body from huntsmen, Pouch from pistoliers. Books, key, skulls and scrolls from flagellants. Monkey and vials from gunmen state troops.

Warrior priest 
The back banner was inspired by a warrior priest here
I came across this whilst looking at We7's work on the Warhammer Empire Forum. 

This model is a kitbash. Flagellent legs, Knight arms and torso with sculpted collar, cloak from general kit, skulls and bell from flagellant kit, hammers from infantry kit with skulls added.

Baron Vultan, estranged from his homeland has sold his services to the Burgomeister.

First model for paint test for Ostland colours. With the colours I am going for a weathered/field worn look.

This piece was created to add narrative to the hand gunners unit, the second rank.

Another wizard, this time Amethyst, based on Martin Footit's wizard in White Dwarf.

The Burgomeister's Mansion

The Mansion was built by the current burgomeister’s great, great (Maybe) grandfather who had a very lucrative trading company based in the docklands of Marienburg. Dealing mainly with exotic goods and expensive relics from throughout the known world. This business and his friendship with the ruling families of Ostland and Marienburg helped to elevate his status and wealth to epic proportions. He wished to display his wealth by building a Stronghold based on the design of the Ostland Elector counts grand palace in his home province of Ostland.

These pictures were taken before any weathering, stressing or detail was added to the model.

These pictures are of the completed parts of the model.

This model took 3 years to complete and stands 1.2m or 4ft in height. The model was constructed out of sheets of expanded PVC, which can be scored to give texture, wood grain, cracks, bricks etc. This is one big onion, it’s about the layers. This is the peak of the proverbial mountain. It’s design is based on the pine clad peaks of Ostland, mirroring it’s environment. It uses the resources of the surrounding landscape, timber, stone and clay bricks and tiles.

I designed and built this model as I wanted to explore the extent of my model making skills within the Warhammer genre. This was a side project to break up the monotony of building a Warhammer castle which was beginning to feel like working in a factory. The castle is still unfinished, pictures to follow. I am happy with the final model and intend for this to be part of a larger model again, I have to designs, I just have to find the time and the will to make it.